OAS Benefit Update: Seniors to Get $750 in August – Check Your Eligibility and Payment Dates


In August 2024, Canadian seniors will significantly boost their Old Age Security (OAS) benefits. This increase aims to help older citizens cope with rising living costs. Here’s what you need to know about the $750 OAS benefits, including payment dates, eligibility requirements, and how to claim these benefits.

Seniors to Receive $750 OAS Benefits in August

The OAS benefits are designed to provide financial support to seniors as the cost of living rises. The $750 benefit in August is part of the government’s effort to help seniors manage their expenses more effectively.

Key Points:

  • Benefit Amount: CAD 750
  • Reason for Increase: Adjusted for the rising cost of living, including food and utility costs.
  • Previous Increase: 3.7% in 2024, compared to 1.3% in 2023.

$750 OAS Benefits Payment Dates 2024

The payments will be made according to the following schedule:

Payment DetailsAmountPayment Date
OAS BenefitCAD $784.67February 10, 2024

If there are any delays, the officials will process the payments quickly. Seniors should not worry about potential delays, as payments will be issued promptly.

Clawback Limits

The clawback limits for OAS benefits in 2024 are as follows:

Age GroupMaximum Clawback
65 to 74 years oldCAD $142,609
75 years or olderCAD $148,179

These limits are based on the 3.7% increase in OAS benefits and are aligned with the Consumer Price Index for Wage Earners (CPI-W).

Here’s The Eligibility

To qualify for the $750 OAS benefits, seniors must meet the following criteria:

Eligibility CriteriaDetails
AgeMust be 65 years or older.
ResidencyMust be a legal resident of Canada since age 18.
CPP ContributionMust have made at least one contribution to the CPP.
ImmigrationImmigrants must have resided in Canada for at least 10 years.
Tax PaymentsTaxes must be up-to-date. Delayed payments may incur penalties.

Seniors should ensure their taxes are paid on time to avoid penalties and debt. Checking tax status through the My CRA Account can help manage this.

How to Claim the Old Age Security Amount 2024

Seniors should apply for OAS benefits as soon as they are eligible. Here’s how to do it:

Application AgeApply at age 64 to receive payments starting at 65.
Account CreationCreate a My CRA Account with personal details.
Accessing InformationNo technical knowledge needed—log in with your credentials.

The My CRA Account provides a simple way to manage OAS applications and check information without needing advanced technical skills.

Seniors may also benefit from additional programs like the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to support their retirement. For those with disabilities, allowances for caregivers may be available to help with daily living needs.

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What is the $750 OAS benefit, and when will it be paid?

The $750 OAS benefit is an increase in the Old Age Security payments provided to Canadian seniors. This increase is designed to help seniors manage rising living costs. The payment amount will be CAD $784.67 and will be issued by February 10, 2024. If there are any delays, officials will ensure the payments are processed as quickly as possible.

Who is eligible to receive the $750 OAS benefit?

To be eligible for the $750 OAS benefit, seniors must meet the following criteria:
Be 65 years or older.
Be a legal resident of Canada and have lived in the country from age 18.
Have made at least one contribution to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) while employed.
If an immigrant, have resided in Canada for at least 10 years.
Ensure that their taxes are up to date. Delayed tax payments may result in penalties.

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